The Triple Threat… Staging, Photography and Pricing!

Staging and professional photography go hand-in-hand.   Add competitive pricing and you have a winning combination called “The Triple Threat.” 

Staging, Photography, and Pricing are three key factors in selling homes faster than the competition. Focus on what you do best… selling houses!

  1. Staging… align yourself with a professional and guide the client through the process
  2. Photography… put your “point and shoot” away and hire a professional photographer.  Homes that are professionally photographed sell faster reducing the time on market to 80% of the average.  They sell 20% faster.  That’s money in yours and your clients pocket!
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  4. Pricing… you’re the pro, do it right. 

Face the truth. Images of staged homes just look better. A professional photographer captures and displays that image in a way you can’t.  An unprepared home gives buyers a reason to demand discounts, you leave money at the closing table. A staged property can bring a 300% return on investment for homeowners [Source: Home Gain]. And we all know…a happy homeowner = a happy real estate agent.

Here are some statistics from Home Gain that you can share with your clients:

New Client Image Delivery implemented by Real Estate Imaging Service

Better Down Loads are Coming…

I have listened to my clients and responded as you would have expected… in a nice way of course.

The “Client portal”, I have been running for several years now, served as the primary means of delivering content to agents.  They were able to browse the images and download what they wanted.  Seems ideal right?  Well when faced with downloading images one at a time or using a more technically difficult FTP process many agents and their assistants were frustrated.  The Client Portal looked fancy, enabled me to get the images to you fast but then fell short in practicality.

Dawn of a new day with improvements…  So starting today you all should have received an email message with a user ID and password in it.  If you haven’t, don’t panic.  Call or email me and you will be sent a password and I will set you up with your private file download area.

This UID and PW will give you access to the download area of this site where I will distribute your images in a zip file.  Each time a new batch is loaded for an agent, that specific agent will be notified automatically of the availability of the images in a ZIP file.  Just follow the instructions, download the ZIP file and unzip on your computer. Each agent will have their own private area where they can manage their image files.  Simple, not fancy, but effective and faster than before.  The MLS files will be in one ZIP file and the Print files will be in another (larger) ZIP file.

In addition to being able to send files out you will be able to send me files if you need to take advantage of my image processing services.  Shoot your own and let me “Fancy them up”  and create a tour for you.

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More to come and please enjoy the new Fully Mobile Compatible Tour Interface.  There are none like it out there…

Warmest regards to all my loyal clients

“It’s not just photography. It’s Real Estate Art!”


I can’t tell you enough how much I LOVE that video

A comment from a seller to an agent who just signed on with us…

I can’t tell you enough how much I LOVE that video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started to watch it last night while we were sitting in Bravo’s restraraunt having dinner. Came home and watched it on the computer over and over and over, which REALLY brought out all the rich colors that I chose in the house, because I painted every room in the house,except the foyer. Again I started watching this video over and over and over all morning, thinking, how did Frank create this to look so exceptional??????
**Ajay said that he doesn’t want anything changed with the video, he likes it alot too.

Kind regards,

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